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Belgian events for the World Year of Physics 2005


Publié le 30-05-2005

For further information related to Belgian events, contact the Coordinator:
Dr Viviane Pierrard
President of the Belgian Physical Society
3 avenue Circulaire
1180 Brussels, Belgium
tel: +32 2 373 0418 ? fax: +32 2 374 84 23

Large public activities:

Technopolis (in Mechelen) present during the year 2005 nice exhibitions, physical experiences, shows and demonstrations for the large public and will organize an electronic rally on classical physics. KUL works with Technopolis for stands and demonstrations about modern physics. Four conferences will also be organized in April in Technopolis about Einstein 1905-2005. A truck with physical experiences called EXPERION will also be open in 2005. Website:

Scientastic in Brussels (next to Grand Place) proposes to explore 90 funny experiments on physics and illusions. Einstein will be honored in 2005 with a specific experiment to understand relativity and the possibility to have one's picture taken with Albert Einstein.

IASB-BIRA, IRM-KMI, ORB-KMS and Planetarium organize a Space expo starting in May 2005 in the Planetarium of Brussels on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Belgium.

UGent (Universiteit Gent) will organize in Gent Saturdays of Physics for the general public. Some Saturday mornings (spread during the year from February to autumn), lectures will be given, combined with demonstration from the past: 12-3- 2005 Physics show 2-4-2005 Quantum mechanics 23-4-2005 Medical Physics 21-5-2005 Physics of bicycles 8-10-2005 Astronautics and cosmology 29-10-2005 Physics and economy 19-11-2005 Energy 10-12-2005 Relativity theory, from quarks to cosmos In the framework of a cine-club, old movies related to physics (like science fiction and Marie Curie movies for instances) will also be projected...

The Euro Space Center (Transinne) organizes the New Space Odyssey to follow the evolution of space exploration from the very beginning to future projects. You will come near a real size model of the Orbiter and the Columbus module. Euro Space Center organizes also events for companies.

ULB (Universit? Libre de Bruxelles) and VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) will organize a Solvay-type Conference on "Cosmology" with prestigious guests. Stephen Hawking may possibly be present. One day will be open for the large public (Brussels, December 3, 2005)

ULB and VUB will also organize an exhibition "E=mc2" for high school students and the large public (Brussels, October 2005-March 2006). Parentville museum (Charleroi) will also participate.

La Soci?t? Royale Belge d'Astronomie, de M?t?orologie et de Physique du Globe (SRBA) organizes conferences each second Thursday of the month at 20h00 at KMI-IRM (Brussels) and also lectures for initiation to astronomy, meteorology, and cosmology some Saturdays. Inscription necessary! PAF for non members. Conferences (Thursday, 20h00) 13-1-2005: Marie-France Loutre "Une projection climatique pour les 100000 prochaines ann?es. Est-ce possible?" 10-2-2005: Patricia Lampens "Pour moi, ce sera une triple" 10-3-2005 Marc Vandiepenbeeck "Instruments m?t?o d'hier et d'aujourd'hui" 14-4-2005: Andr? Lausberg "Vers la d?tection des ondes gravitationnelles" Lectures for initiation to Astronomy (Saturdays, 14h30-16h00): 5-3-2005, 16-4-2005, 21-5-2005: Astronomie Plan?taire 19-2-2005: S?ance sp?ciale "Explications Eph?m?rides et ph?nom?nes c?lestes 2005" Seminars (Saturday, 14h00-17h00): 29-1-2005: Ren? Dejaiffe "Sp?cial Mars: une opposition ? ne pas rater" Lectures on meteorology (Saturday, 10h00-13h00): 26-2-2005: Marc Vandiepenbeeck "A propos des pr?visions saisonni?res" 19-3-2005: Marc Vandiepenbeeck "Les nouvelles technologies instrumentales" In 2005, SRBA organizes a contest entitled "Ciel et Terre" with very nice prizes (astronomy instruments, telescopes, binoculars, books, subscriptions to Ciel et Terre...). See info on the contests in Ciel et Terre, March-April 2004. Up to 31-1-2005. Prizes awarded 19-3-2005. Program and inscription:

UMH (Universit? Mons-Hainaut) organizes during the year Conferences on Physics and Astronomy and seminars on Physics history entitled "From Galil?e to Einstein". In March (probably 7 to 19), a Foucault pendule will be installed in the Cath?drale Ste Waudru (Mons) with an exhibition on Earth rotation. From April 11 to 28, an exhibition "Histoire d'ondes" is organized with experiments on waves. Activities at the Planetarium are also planned.

KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) will organize an exhibition on "Einstein 1905-2005" in the science library of KUL (Campus Arenberg, Heverlee), during 6 weeks starting from March 2, 2005. This exhibition will be repeated in Kortrijk (K.U.Leuven campus) starting 22 April 2005. At the time of the exhibition, lectures and cultural activities are planned to promote public awareness. KULeuven also plans to organize activities in Leuven like "a tourist science walk" in collaboration with the tourism office of Leuven (starting in May).

Physics enlightens the world: The global WYP 2005 event "Physics enlightens the world" will take place on 18 April 2005. At the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Einstein's death, a laser beam will start in Princeton shining in western direction. Upon this signal, observers of the beam activate their light source. In a very productive discussion with people concerned about the environmental effects of the light ray around the globe the content has been developed further, including strong components of environmental education. To participate, visit the Website: -> Global Projects -> Physics enlightens the world

The Comit? National de Physique-Nationaal Comit? voor Natuurkunde will organize a conference on future energy, ITER and fusion entitled "1905-2005: from Einstein to fusion" on Saturday March 5, 2005 at the Academy Palace in Brussels. Dias and copies of the conferences in French and Dutch. Program: Morning: Prof. W. D'haeseleer (KUL): Algemene problematiek van de energievorrading Prof. A. Berger (UCL): R?percussion de l'?nergie sur le climat et l'environnement Afternoon: Prof. N. Lopes-Cardozo (FOM-Niewegzin): Introduction to controlled fusion R. Aymar (Dir. of CERN): ITER

FUNDP (Facult?s Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix of Namur) will organize large audience evenings on physics and physicists that draw big changes in the description of the universe and/or gave rise to important technology advances. The originality of the project states in the animation of conferences by theatrical performances involving famous physicist like Einstein, Newton or Galilee. Students in Physics of FUNDP will also present their experiments in an exhibition during the Printemps des sciences, from 14 to 20 March 2005.

L'extension ULB Eau d'heure organizes Conferences some Wednesdays at 20h00 at the Centre de Culture Scientifique de l'ULB ? COUILLET (Campus de Parentville : Rue de Villers, 227; R3 Sortie "Blanche Borne") PAF : 5 EUR - 4 EUR - 2,5 EUR (D?clic) - Gratis (- 14 years; Passeport CT-ULB) 12 -1- 2005 : Les ?TOILES et les GALAXIES... Andr? KOECKELENBERGH (ULB) 26-1 & 09-3-2005* : 2 Cours de "CALCUL ASTRONOMIQUE" Andr? KOECKELENBERGH (ULB) (on Reservation) 23-2-2005: LUNETTES et T?L?SCOPES : Quelques R?gles d'Optique... Andr? KOECKELENBERGH (ULB) 13-4-2005 : Les TERMES du BILAN RADIATIF de la TERRE : Observations de l'Instrument GERB du Satellite MSG1 Dominique CROMMELYNCK (ULB) 27-4-2005, 20h00:La MATI?RE ORGANIQUE dans l'UNIVERS : Quid de la "VIE EXTRATERRESTRE 11-5-2005: Le TEMPS et l'ESPACE : La Mesure du Temps... Andr? KOECKELENBERGH (ULB)

Le Centre de Culture Scientifique de l'ULB ? Couillet organizes also the Month of Experimentarium on the topic "Physics at home", from January 12 to February 6, 2005.

Pirelli INTERNETional Award launches a special award for 2005. The award consists in a 25000 Euro check. The submissions must be interactive multimedia presentations (in about 5 minutes in English) of Einstein' Special Relativity Theory. The work must be sent by FTP or by an e-mail attachment before March 31, 2005.

L'ULg (Universit? de Li?ge) organizes on 18 January 2005 a special day with conferences and animations about the solar system. From 4 to 7 July 2005, an international conference on Astronomy will be organized with several activities for astronomers, the large public and journalists. In October-November 2005, two exhibitions will be organized: "Science et culture" on Physics and Chemistry and "Pendule de Foucault" for schools and the large public. A calendar World Year of Physics is also edited. A contest will be organized during the "Printemps des sciences".

Useful links:
WYP in Brussels:
WYP in Gent:
WYP in Li?ge:
WYP in Louvain:
WYP in Louvain-la-Neuve:
WYP in Mons:
WYP in Namur:

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